Our Mission


We inform the design of buildings, develop pragmatic sustainability strategies and love to take on most things in between.

Since 2018 our team has served as sustainability and energy advisors on nearly $6 billion dollars in design construction across North America and abroad.


LeapStep was founded with a simple goal to help as many owners, design firms and projects achieve optimum building performance within budget, every time.

Who We Are

We heard it takes 10,000 hours of deliberate practice to achieve world-class expertise. Just to be on the safe side we each decided to double that and more before starting LeapStep in 2018.



University of California

W.K. Kellogg Foundation

UC Davis Health

Wells Fargo Bank

Partners Health Care


High Performance Design

Sustainability Consulting

Master Planning

Carbon Mitigation Strategy

& More



Engineering News-Record

Building Design + Construction

Architect Magazine

Healthcare Design Magazine